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Student ethnographies @ Pomona

Archives of student work from the Anthropology Department at Pomona College

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The Spy Nextdoor: Identity and Surveillance in Claremont’s Virtual Community

Jasper Davidoff

The Power of (In)Visibility: An Ethnography by and for Queer Students of Color at the 5C’s

Transitioning to College: An Ethnographic Research Project Seeing the Ways in Which Students’ Backgrounds Influence their Transition to the 5Cs

Sonam Rikha, Isabella Aguilar, and Maddie Asch

Care in the Workplace: An Ethnography on the Personal Practices and Relations in Exotic Dancing

Chloe Weir

Communities of Practice in the Climbing Gym

Sara Anderson

The Balance of Knowledge: Challenges of Political Correctness in a Globalized Classroom

Lina Kallel

Making Space, Taking Care, Taking Up Space: How Students of Color Navigate Pomona College

Reia Li

Judaism at the 5Cs: How Jewish Students Navigate Identity and Campus Spaces

Loy Prussack